Wednesday 13 February 2013


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The Holy Prophet (may God bless him and give him peace) was forgiving and merciful and his guidance came from God who is the truly merciful and Compassionate. Although stern (when it was the appropriate time) against those who practiced real evil, Muhammad (may God bless him and give him peace) was of the gentlest of souls at other times. He was a greater exemplar of mercy to the enemy than could ever be found in the Christian world past or present.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and give him peace) had all the good qualities, which people may have. When those who had been enemies or persecutors of the Muslims fund that the ‘tables were turned’ on them and that the Muslims now had the upper hand, the Holy Prophet (may God bless him and give him peace) treated them fairly and left many examples of great forgiveness.

Muhammad proved his mercy and forgiveness time and time again and forgave the people of Taif who had tried to stone him to death as well as a Bedouin who tried to murder him and Umayr bin Wahb and Safwaan bin Ummayah who had been in a foiled attempt at assassinating him. Muslims are instructed by God to be gentle and kind to their husbands and wives just as they should be so to other people. The Holy Prophet (may God bless him and give him peace) stated,

Let NO Muslim male entertain any malice
against a Muslim female.
He may dislike one habit in her,
but find another in her which is pleasing

(Sahih Muslim).

He (may God bless him and give him peace) also stated that;
The most perfect Muslim in the matter of faith
is the one who has an excellent behavior;
and the best amongst you
are those who behave best towards their wives


A beautiful peace of advice given by the Holy Prophet (may God bless him and give him peace) were words to the effect that;  (Giving in) Charity does not decrease one’s wealth, (practicing) forgiveness only raises a man’s honor, 
God raises up one who humbles himself before his Lord. 

(Muslim, Sahih) 

God says in the Holy Qur’an;

And speak good to people

(Surah al-Baqarah 2,45).

The Holy Prophet (may God bless him and give him peace) is reported to have once declared that;

A true believer does not insult or curse people;
nor does he use obscene or cruel language.

(Al Tirmidhi, Shamail)

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and give him peace) was the great exemplar for the Muslims of how to treat the poor and needy with kindness and respect. Muhammad (may God bless him and give him peace) and his companions lived frugal lives and gave away great amounts of sadaqa (charity) to those who needed assistance.

We created not the heavens
and the earth
and all that is between them
except with truth
and lo! the Hour
is certainly coming so forgive,
O Muhammad with gracious forgiveness.’

(Surah al-Hijr 85)

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